Having Trouble Logging In?
- Before placing your order you must login to our website [top right of your computer or top left on your mobile]
- You know you are logged in successfully as your name will appear in the top left of the screen
- Once you have entered your username and password, tick ‘remember me’ for an easy login next time you visit our website.
IF you have forgotten your password select ‘lost your password’ for a new password to be emailed to you.
- If you place your order first before logging in you will get an error saying: “an account is already registered with your email address”.
- Click on ‘returning customer’ and enter your email address and password. Once you are logged in successfully your name will appear in the top left of the screen.
- After 3 attempts you will be locked out of the website for 15 minutes. So wait and give it another try later.
If all else fails, contact Mel who can place your order for you.